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Committee week concludes in Nyon


Several UEFA committees met in Nyon between 8 and 11 November to discuss matters related to European football as part of the governing body's regular series of committee weeks.

UEFA's committees meet regularly to discuss European football issues
UEFA's committees meet regularly to discuss European football issues ©UEFA.com

Various UEFA committees have met at UEFA's headquarters in Nyon in the last few days as part of the European body's regular committee weeks.

Discussions have focused on a wide-ranging list of issues concerning European football and its well-being. The committees' deliberations and recommendations will now be presented to the UEFA Executive Committee, which next meets in Prague, Czech Republic, on 9 and 10 December.

Nineteen committees are involved in shaping UEFA's policy across the wide span of European football. The committees deal with subjects ranging from medical matters and players' status/transfers to refereeing, finance and the UEFA competitions; they submit advice, proposals and recommendations to UEFA's Executive Committee, which may also delegate some of its duties to a specific committee.

UEFA committees and expert panels have an advisory function, unless regulations adopted by the Executive Committee grant them decision-making powers.

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