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Boom time for futsal - UEFA Direct 168 out now

About UEFA

European futsal is looking forward to an exciting future, thanks to a new UEFA strategy - and UEFA's official magazine gives a full insight into the sport's flourishing progress.

Impressive crowds turned out for this season's UEFA Futsal Cup finals in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Impressive crowds turned out for this season's UEFA Futsal Cup finals in Almaty, Kazakhstan ©Sportsfile

Futsal’s profile is increasing in Europe – and this burgeoning sector of the game takes pride of place in the latest edition of UEFA Direct.

UEFA is keeping pace with developments, and has recently decided to launch a new futsal strategy to take the sport forward, including new competitions at women’s and youth levels. UEFA Direct examines the history of futsal since its invention in Uruguay in 1930, especially from a European viewpoint, and explains UEFA’s ambitious plans for the future.

The man who coached the winners of this year’s UEFA Futsal Cup Inter FS, Jesús Velasco, comes under the spotlight in an in-depth interview in which the Spaniard offers his take on the evolution of the indoor game.

Many of European football’s finest young talents will be parading their skills at the UEFA European Under-21 Championship finals in Poland this month, and we look at a landmark tournament that features 12 teams for the first time – as well as the numerous nationwide initiatives being launched at all levels by the hosts, the Polish Football Federation (PZPN).

Also in UEFA Direct 168

• A review of the UEFA Youth League finals
• The UEFA Regions’ Cup – a true celebration of the amateur spirit
• UEFA’s latest annual football and social responsibility report
• News from the member associations 

UEFA Direct 168 is available in English, French and German

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