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Rubiales elected in Spain


The new Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) president, Luis Rubiales, says he wants the association to be "leaders in transparency" after his election for a term until 2020.

Luis Rubiales will serve as RFEF president until 2020
Luis Rubiales will serve as RFEF president until 2020 ©RFEF

Luis Rubiales has been elected as the new president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) at the association's general assembly.

A former professional player at several levels of Spanish football, the 40-year-old will serve in office until 2020.

Rubiales has a law degree and currently works as a lawyer. He was president of the Spanish players' association AFE from 2010 to 2017.

"I take on this role full of excitement and aware of the responsibility," Rubiales said after his election. "I want to repay the faith of Spanish football. I'm going to create a federation for all."

The new RFEF president emphasised that particular attention would be given to grassroots and women's football.

"We have to be leaders in transparency," he added. "I pledge to maintain dialogue with all institutions. We will work shoulder to shoulder with FIFA and UEFA."