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Noël Le Graët

French Football Federation president Noël Le Graët
French Football Federation president Noël Le Graët ©Getty Images

Nationality: French
Date of Birth: 25 December 1941
Association president since: 2011

• A former tax office civil servant, Noël Le Graët entered political life as mayor of Guingamp, a town in Brittany, in 1995 (until 2008). He headed up the town's football local club, the En Avant de Guigamp, from 1972 to 1991, then from 2002 to 2011, stepping down when elected FFF President in 2011. He is also a renowned businessman in the food industry.

• Le Graët came through the ranks of the former Professional Football League (LFP), the then National Football League (LNF), entering its Executive Board in 1984, and becoming president in 1991 – a post he held for nine years. During this period, he created the DNCG, a national directorate responsible for controlling the financial health of French clubs.

• A vice-president in charge of economic affairs at the FFF since 2002, Le Graët was elected as president by the FFF assembly on 18 June 2011, and spoke of "a great feeling", as well as acknowledging "the huge task ahead" and emphasising "a will to work together as soon as possible". He was re-elected for new four-year terms in 2012 and 2017, and won another four years in office in March 2021. He was also elected as a European member of the FIFA Council in May 2019.