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Thorsteinsson re-elected in Iceland


Geir Thorsteinsson has been re-elected as Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ) president for a fifth two-year term and will strive in particular for progress at national-team level.

Geir Thorsteinsson addresses the FA of Iceland (KSÍ) assembly after his re-election as president
Geir Thorsteinsson addresses the FA of Iceland (KSÍ) assembly after his re-election as president ©KSÍ

Geir Thorsteinsson has been re-elected as Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ) president for a fifth two-year term.

"We have had good unity in the football movement for a long time, and I think that is very important," said Thorsteinsson, who has been at the association's helm since 2007, at the KSÍ congress on Saturday. "Of course, we do not agree about everything, but we find an outcome and work with it."

The KSÍ president said that a priority aim for the association was for the national men's team to reach the final round of major international competitions. Iceland have made a promising start to their UEFA EURO 2016 qualifying campaign, and stand second in Group A with three wins out of four. Iceland have also appeared at the last two UEFA European Women's Championship final tournaments.

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