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Terje Svendsen

Norwegian Football Federation (NFF) president Terje Svendsen
Norwegian Football Federation (NFF) president Terje Svendsen ©NTB/Scanpix

Nationality: Norwegian
Date of birth: 17 February 1956
Association president since: 2016

• Terje Svendsen made his mark at board level for several years, holding a position as a board member of Rosenborg Ballklub from 2000, and advancing to become chairman of the club from 2006 to 2012. He has also sat on the board of the Norwegian league organisation from 2011 to the present day.

• Outside of football, he has built a career in banking and property, serving as bank manager at Fokus Bank for several years. He also has over 25 years of experience at board level with a handful of property companies.

• Svendsen was elected as president of the Norwegian Football Association in February 2016. "I hope my leadership will be dominated by the values of openness and transparency, and that I will be an approachable president," he said.