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Peter Gilliéron

Peter Gilliéron
Peter Gilliéron ©UEFA

Nationality: Swiss
Date of birth: 5 May 1953
Association president since: 2009

• Raised in Italy, Peter Gilliéron moved to Switzerland with his family at the age of 13, where he played school football and went on to study law, earning his degree in 1978. He was first involved in football as president of Berne-based FC Minerva in the 1990s.

• An attorney at the Federal Department of Social Security, he later headed the law department at the Swiss Cheese Union, and in 1994 was elected as general secretary of the Swiss Football Association (SFV-ASF).

• Elected as president of the SFV-ASF in 2009, he said: "I see the election as reward for my achievements in all those years as general secretary. My goal is to take forward football in the whole country; western Switzerland and Ticino too. The SFV-ASF should help in fostering integration." He was re-elected unanimously for a further two-year term of office in May 2017.