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Two new anti-doping agreements

UEFA's latest cooperation agreements with the national anti-doping agencies in Bulgaria and Monaco strengthen its concerted drive against doping in football.

Bulgarian Anti-Doping Centre executive director Violeta Zarkova and UEFA head of medical and anti-doping Marc Vouillamoz
Bulgarian Anti-Doping Centre executive director Violeta Zarkova and UEFA head of medical and anti-doping Marc Vouillamoz ©Bulgarian Anti-Doping Centre

UEFA has signed cooperation agreements with the national anti-doping agencies (NADOs) in Bulgaria and the principality of Monaco – reinforcing its concerted campaign against doping in football.

The agreements will see the organisations coordinating their anti-doping programmes and testing activities, exchanging information and intelligence considered useful in planning doping tests. This also includes the building up of players' biological passports under a UEFA programme which has entered its second season.

So far, UEFA has signed agreements with 27 organisations, strengthening UEFA's efforts to create a network of coordination and information sharing across Europe.

UEFA is working in collaboration with European NADOs this season to implement a comprehensive and deterrent testing programme in UEFA and national domestic competitions. The pan-European co-operation ensures that UEFA has a full picture of the doping tests conducted on players at international and national level.

The European body worked closely with NADOs of participating countries at UEFA EURO 2016. The largest-ever anti-doping programme conducted at a European Championship was a major success - none of the samples collected within the framework of the tournament’s testing programme were positive.

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