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FARE announces Action Week plans

Anti racism

The UEFA-backed anti-racist organisation plans activities across Europe.

Standing united
Football fans, ethnic minorities and football clubs will stand united against discrimination and intolerance in football in another stage of a concerted campaign, in which FARE and UEFA have joined forces to spread the message that racism has no place in the game.

Range of initiatives
Fans across Europe are being invited by FARE to produce anti-racist leaflets, fanzines, banners, fan choreography or organise a community event. FARE will make funds available for chosen local initiatives. "A wide range of initiatives such as fan clubs, ethnic minority and migrant groups, grassroots football teams and schools will be supported," said FARE.

2002 success
Last October, some 300 fan groups, football clubs, associations and migrant organisations in 18 countries organised events in and around football stadiums to make a united stand against racism across the continent.

Good practice guide
UEFA and FARE have worked together for several years. The European body recently issued a good practice guide which is being circulated to all of Europe's national associations, leagues and clubs, as well as to UEFA's list of referees, match delegates and venue directors.

Practical results
The guide is one of the practical results that emerged from the Unite Against Racism conference staged by UEFA, FARE and the English Football Association at Stamford Bridge, London in March.

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