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Sport specificity paper

Team Sports

Team sports federations are to submit a specificity document to the European Commission.

The UEFA Executive Committee met in Vienna
The UEFA Executive Committee met in Vienna ©UEFA.com

UEFA's Executive Committee has approved a document to be presented by the European team sport federations to the French Presidency of the European Union. In the paper, the European Commission will be asked to finally implement the most effective way of recognising the specificity of sport within a clear legal framework – in accordance with the principles set out in the document, and in conjunction with team sport federations.

Green light
The document, given the green light by the committee at its meeting in Vienna on Friday, also stated that the European Council should, as a first step, confirm its commitment to implementing a definition of the specificity of sport in concrete terms. The European Council, the Executive Committee agreed, should also declare its unanimous support for the principle of 'dual-career' training for young sportspersons and the concept of minimum numbers of home-grown (locally trained) players, or similar policies, in professional teams' squads.

Young players' protection
Support was also urged by the Executive Committee for the more effective protection of young players and training clubs and, where appropriate, stricter regulation of the international movement of minors; the establishment of an appropriate European licensing framework and financial management body, to be administered by relevant European sports federations; and strict adherence to the principles of good governance by all team sports federations.

Bidding farewell
The Executive Committee is also bidding farewell to two co-opted members; Friedrich Stickler, President of the Austrian FA, and Giangiorgio Spiess, representing the Swiss FA. Both have kept the Executive Committee in the picture on the preparations that took place in their countries for UEFA EURO 2008™. Their membership of the committee ends with Sunday's final between Germany and Spain in Vienna.

Invaluable role
"The UEFA Executive Committee wishes to place on record its appreciation to Friedrich Stickler, who has played a crucial part in making UEFA EURO 2008™ the big success it has been," said UEFA in a statement. "His role, along with that of the Swiss co-hosting President, Ralph Zloczower, has been invaluable and cannot be underestimated. Giangiorgio Spiess has been a member of the UEFA Executive Committee since 1996 and has served a long and distinguished career with the committee," UEFA continued. "The Executive Committee therefore thanks him for his work over the years and wishes him all the best for the future."