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Andorra wait on fitness of key duo

Koldo Álvarez has included injured duo Marc Pujol and Xavi Andorrá in Andorra's squad for their qualifiers against the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Armenia.

Andorra coach Koldo Álvarez
Andorra coach Koldo Álvarez ©Andorran Football Federation

Andorra coach Koldo Álvarez will wait on the fitness of Marc Pujol and Xavi Andorrá after naming them in his 26-man squad for the UEFA EURO 2012 qualifiers against the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Armenia.

Pujol (thigh tear) and Andorrá (ankle sprain) are both recovering from knocks and Álvarez will delay unveiling his final party for Friday's home game against FYROM until as late as possible. Their absence could mean a chance for youngsters Sebastiàn Gómez and Cristian Martínez. "They are players who are working exceptionally hard with their clubs and deserve to be here," Álvarez said.

Andorra opened Group B with defeats by Russia and the Republic of Ireland, and Álvarez recognises that FYROM will provide another stiff challenge on Friday. "They have played a lot over the past year and are well prepared for these qualifiers," he said. "They have great potential and will be looking to get more points on the board." Andorra will then meet Armenia in Yerevan on Tuesday.

Andorra squad
José Antonio Gómes (CF San Rafael), Ferrán Pol (FC Andorra), Josep Rivas (UE Santa Coloma).

Defenders: Josep Ayala (FC Andorra), Marc Bernaus (FC Girona), Jordi Escura (FC Alcarrás), Xavier Gil (FC Andorra), Ildefons Lima (AC Bellinzona), Alexandre Martínez (UE Santa Coloma), Jordi Rubio (UE Santa Coloma), Alex Somoza (FC Andorra), Óscar Sonejee (FC Santa Coloma), David Maneiro (FC Andorra), Cristian Martínez (FC Andorra).

Midfielders: Xavi Andorrá (FC Andorra), Sebastiàn Gómez (UE Sant Julià), Manolo Jiménez (FC Santa Coloma), Iván Lorenzo (UD Alcampell), Daniel Mejías (FC Andorra), Marc Pujol (FC Andorra), Marcio Vieira (Atlético de Monzón), Samir Bousenine (FC Santa Coloma), Marc Vales (Atlético de Monzón).

Forwards: Sergio Moreno (Hellín Deportivo), Fernando Silva (Imperio de Mérida CP), Juan Carlos Toscano (FC Andorra).

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