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Hierro hoping for quick recovery

Real Madrid CF's Fernando Hierro hopes to be fit before the UEFA Champions League begins again.

Real Madrid CF's injured captain Fernando Hierro is targeting a return in time for the UEFA Champions League match against FC Porto next month.

No need to operate
The 33-year-old Spanish international dislocated his shoulder in Saturday's 1-1 draw at Málaga CF but tests have shown he will not need to undergo surgery. "The shoulder is now where it should be and we prefer not to operate because there's no need," club doctor Juan Carlos Hernández told Madrid's official website.

Spanish blow
Hierro, capped 82 times by Spain, will almost certainly miss his country's friendly international against Portugal on 13 February, a crucial game for Spain's FIFA World Cup preparations, but should be fit for Madrid's European second group stage encounter against Porto on 19 February.

Awkward fall
"The recovery time will be between three and four weeks, although it could take as long as 35 days, depending on how the injury progresses," Hernández added. Hierro was injured after falling awkwardly from a challenge by Uruguayan midifield player Marcelo Romero just before the interval.

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