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City's Johnson sidelined for three months

Manchester City FC will be without Adam Johnson for three months after manager Roberto Mancini confirmed the England winger had suffered ankle ligament damage during training.

Manchester City will be without winger Adam Johnson for three months
Manchester City will be without winger Adam Johnson for three months ©Getty Images

Manchester City FC will be forced to negotiate the next phase of their UEFA Europa League campaign without Adam Johnson after the England winger was ruled out for three months with ankle ligament damage.

Johnson, 23, missed City's 1-1 draw against Notts County FC in the FA Cup fourth round on Sunday having picked up an injury during training on Thursday. Manager Roberto Mancini subsequently confirmed the extent of the problem. "We have lost Adam Johnson for three months," he said. "This will be a very big problem because he is an important player. We do not have another player like Adam."

Mancini's side finished top of UEFA Europa League Group A and will play Aris Thessaloniki FC in the round of 32 on 15 and 24 February.

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