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Portugal breathe again

Portugal may have beaten Russia but they have "no time to enjoy it". euro2004.com rounds up the media reaction.

Russia 0-2 Portugal

In the second half, we did not see an old boat, but a proud white yacht with ten sea devils on board. The desperate fight started with the heroic Malafeev performing wonders, the rookie Bugayev playing like he has never done before ... Why do the Russians have to face death in order to wake up and get angry? Why can't we be ourselves when things are normal? The unlikely did not happen, and the sea prevailed against the yacht. It's bitterly disappointing to realise they were capable of so much more, like the Greeks. (Sport-Express)

The first 'all or nothing' match as Scolari called it has gone but there's no time to enjoy the victory as on Sunday Spain await. Portugal will have to win to qualify from Group A. The fact that Portugal know the result they need is good, but the Spaniards are not through yet ... and at the same time, Greece will face Russia, who have no chance of progressing. (A Bola)

Greece 1-1 Spain

Rehhagel's pirates have overturned the odds. Greece are so close to the quarter-finals that it's unbelievable. They fought like lions and never surrendered, despite Spain's pressure in the closing stages of the match. The recipe for success? One coach, 23 players, 3,500 supporters and a big heart. (Sportime)

A disappointing game that leaves Spain in a critical situation, with no option but to fight for their lives against Portugal in Lisbon. Not exactly the ideal rival, nor a particularly friendly stage to resolve the future of a team who have yet to get into their stride. Spain's industrious play did nothing to mark the difference against Greece - a side full of strong players, perhaps not big names but committed players who can make life difficult for you. To their strictly defensive character they add an air of calm. The Greeks do not emit any signs of crisis - they appeared at ease against Portugal and were unfazed even when Spain took the lead in the first half. (El País)

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