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Italian lament at early exit

There was despair in Italy and joy in Denmark and Sweden after Group C ended with three teams on five points - but the Azzurri on the plane home.

Italy 2-1 Bulgaria

It's sad that in these first years of the third millennium our country has produced great players who are the envy of many and yet the gulf between these players we've produced and what we've achieved is lamentable. In Portugual, Trapattoni's Italy suffered the repercussions of their first disastrous result against Denmark - a 0-0 which seemed to have compromised nothing but ended up costing us dear. It's a pity for Trapattoni, who has great qualities as a man and is a coach with a tremendous pedigree, but with the national team it has simply not worked out. (Gazzetta dello Sport)

Plamen Markov finally made some changes and they paid off. Bulgaria played very well against Italy and deserved at least a point. Now we can go home with some pride at least - and Italy are also going home despite their late win. (7 sport)

Denmark 2-2 Sweden

If that match was fixed - then it was fixed in a very beautiful way. Anyway, the Danes had the worse of it as they now have to play the Czechs on Sunday. Not exactly the opponents we had wished for. (Berlingske Tidende)

The swallows were flying low. There was a gloomy feeling in the air. We were facing the Danes who came to Portugal singing a song about how it couldn't go wrong in Portugal. But it could. 'Jonaldo', Jonson and Jesus, it could go wrong. 2-2. It was a night that we will not live to see again. But Söderberg had slammed his fist into the table and said it could not be 2-2. But it was 2-2. It was an incredible night and it will be a night remembered in eternity. If there is a new ice age and a new world started afterwards, this night will still be remembered after that. (Aftonbladet)

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