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Zidane tops player poll

Zinedine Zidane is leading the race to win the JVC Player of the Tournament after the group stages of UEFA EURO 2004™.

French magic
The France playmaker, voted FIFA World Player of the Year last December, heads a distinguished list of players including England striker Wayne Rooney, who is lying second, and the Czech Republic's Pavel Nedved (third) at the top of the leaderboard with the tournament 24 games old.

Wing wizard
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo (fourth) and Swedish sensation Henrik Larsson (fifth) are also in the hunt to be crowned king of the competition. But with thousands of votes still to be cast, the winner may not even have figured in the top five during the group stages. Milan Baroš, Jon Dahl Tomasson, Ruud van Nistelrooij and Traianos Dellas have all had outstanding tournaments - maybe you want to put their names forward.

Vote now
If you wish to vote for the man you believe has caught the eye in Portugal, then click below and remember, your vote will not officially be cast until the final match of the tournament so you can change your mind as many times as you want throughout the competition.

Click here to cast your vote

Your choice counts
And, for the first time in UEFA European Championship history, YOUR VOTE will count as one vote when the UEFA Technical Study Group gathers to select its JVC Official EURO 2004™ Player of the Tournament. Users could also win a state-of-the-art JVC Home Cinema system. The winner will be announced on 5 July.

Top five after group stages

1. Zinedine Zidane
2. Wayne Rooney
3. Pavel Nedved
4. Cristiano Ronaldo
5. Henrik Larsson

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