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Capello turns attentions to Italy

Defeating Club Brugge KV to reach the last 16 with a game to spare "delighted" Juventus coach Fabio Capello, who can now concentrate fully on Serie A.

Fabio Capello, Juventus coach
Club Brugge did nothing but defend and didn't really allow us to play our natural attacking game, so I am delighted with the result. We created a couple of chances in the first half without success but managed to raise our tempo after the break which resulted in the goal. It's a very important victory for us as it enables us to now concentrate fully on our domestic league. To be honest, I don't really care if us or [FC] Bayern München finishes top of the group. To win this competition we will have to play all the leading teams at some stage so when we do doesn't bother me.

Jan Ceulemans, Club Brugge coach
I thought we performed pretty well but unfortunately we lost to a late goal which was down to a defensive mistake. We fought hard today and we will also fight hard in our final match at home to Bayern. I am satisfied that we are going into the UEFA Cup because it was always going to be very difficult for us to qualify from this particular group.

David Trezeguet, Juventus striker
This was an important test for us and we managed to pass it. We struggled to score tonight but we are satisfied with the result, although our performance was not great. We were a bit tired after playing a few games in quick succession and I think it showed.

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