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Benítez keeps faith with Crouch

Liverpool FC manager Rafael Benítez was pleased with Peter Crouch despite a number of missed chances as Real Betis Balompié earned a draw.

Rafael Benítez, Liverpool manager
The way we qualified is totally different to last season and it's great that we can concentrate on the Premiership now. We were creating chances tonight. Betis are a very good team and they made it difficult for us - I told my players to be careful. A team as good as Betis could easily have qualified for the last 16. If Peter Crouch continues to play as well as he did tonight I will be delighted. As long as the team are getting good results that's the most important thing, but it would be better to see Crouch scoring. Most importantly we are creating chances and we kept a clean sheet – it's only a matter of time before we score more goals.

Llorenç Serra Ferrer, Betis coach
I have mixed feelings about the result. I am disappointed because if we had beaten [RSC] Anderlecht we would have amassed ten points and that usually takes you through - it's a bittersweet experience. We've given a good account of ourselves in our first appearance in the Champions League. When we looked at the group we knew we were facing two excellent sides - Liverpool are champions of Europe and Chelsea [FC] are one of the best teams in the world. We made a few mistakes but all these games serve as good experience. We have one game left and we are determined to go out and enjoy that.

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