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Hleb knee injury rocks Arsenal

Arsenal FC's injury woes increased as manager Arsène Wenger revealed midfielder Aleksandr Hleb could be out for two months with a knee injury.

"Hleb will be out for six to eight weeks, he is due to have surgery on his knee today," Wenger said. Hleb, 24, was injured on FIFA World Cup qualifying duty for Belarus against Scotland last weekend.

'Enough good players'
"I really can't remember having as many injuries as this, but it is not a crisis. We have enough good players in the team to win the game," Wenger added, referring to Arsenal's Premiership match at West Bromwich Albion FC on Saturday. "The bench will be quite young."

Henry out
The 21-year-old Matthieu Flamini is expected to play in midfield, with Brazil's Gilberto missing the match as he only returned today from World Cup qualifying action in South America. England defenders Ashley Cole and Sol Campbell, and France striker Thierry Henry are also on Arsenal's casualty list.

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