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Allofs delight at Bremen deal

Former Germany striker Klaus Allofs has extended his contract as Werder Bremen's general manager and will remain at the Bundesliga club until 2009.

'No better job'
The 49-year-old, who played 78 league matches for Bremen and won the championship at the Weserstadion in 1993, said: "The board clearly signalled that they were willing to extend my contract and I have never made a secret of the fact I want to continue here. There is no more interesting job in German football and we want to further establish Werder as a top side in Germany."

Double triumph
The highlight so far of Allof's tenure, which started in 1999, was landing the Bundesliga/German Cup double in 2003/04. As a German international, he scored 17 goals in 56 games, winning the 1980 UEFA European Championship in Italy.

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