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Ljungberg fine with supporting role

Fredrik Ljungberg is unconcerned about his change from a dashing attacker into a midfield mainstay, especially if the job gets done against Real Madrid CF.

When Fredrik Ljungberg first grabbed the attention of Arsenal FC supporters, he played as a dashing attacking midfielder, mostly on the right flank, and scored goals regularly. His pace, bravery and energy were spectacular and he was, for his position, a prolific marksman.

Paternal role
Now, on the verge of his 56th appearance in the UEFA Champions League in the first knockout round return against Real Madrid CF, the Swedish international is taking a more paternal role - helping to nurse a group of young players to maturity - and spending more time in a prompting central post in the team. Goals, as a result, have become a rare extra.

Goals limited
This season, as Arsenal have struggled for consistency in the English Premiership, but enjoyed greater success in the UEFA Champions League, he has scored only once - and that against AFC Ajax in the European competition - and failed to find the net in 20 league matches.

'Not worried'
"We don't make as many chances now, we are going through a transitional season," explained Ljungberg, 28. "I have changed my game a little, too. But I am not worried, or too concerned, about my individual game now. I am really more focused on the team and I feel some responsibility to help the younger players. They are very hungry and it is part of my job to help them go on and progress and keep their feet on the ground."

Wenger happy
As to his contribution to the side, Ljungberg said he has often felt isolated when deployed wide on the wing this term, so has taken to coming inside to a more central berth to seek the ball and do more for the cause. "Freddie is very good at defending for the sake of the team and that is the first thing I ask of him," said manager Arsène Wenger.

Supporting player
"He is very responsible and is capable of winning the ball back for us," Wenger said, knowing his players have a one-goal lead to defend against Madrid at Highbury. "That is important. The second thing I will ask from him is to score a goal." Thierry Henry registered the only goal in Spain a fortnight ago, and Ljungberg observed of the Frenchman: "He is our main goal threat and we are not creating as many chances as we did in the past. I like to drop back and play people in. I was a more central midfield player earlier in my career and I enjoyed that."

Madrid threat
However, Ljungberg warned that Madrid have several players capable of turning the tie. "We know that, but we have to play our football and be disciplined," he said. "They are a great attacking team, but they do leave spaces at the back and we have to exploit them. We want to qualify and we want to go through. We have to defend, to concentrate and get at them when we can. But we have to treat them with respect. Real Madrid have a great team and some great players - but we can do it."

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