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Last eight entices Inter and Ajax

The UEFA Champions League quarter-final lineup will be confirmed tomorrow with FC Internazionale Milano and AFC Ajax battling it out for the final place on offer.

The lineup for the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals will be confirmed tomorrow night with FC Internazionale Milano and AFC Ajax battling for the final place on offer.

Win wanted
As hosts at the San Siro, Inter would appear to have the slight advantage after earning a 2-2 draw from the first leg in Amsterdam on 22 February. As such, a 0-0 or 1-1 scoreline would be enough to send the Italian club through on away goals to a last-eight meeting with Villarreal CF. However, Inter coach Roberto Mancini is guarding against complacency. "We can't afford to think about a draw," he said. "That would be far too risky. This is a game we have to try to win."

Defence key
Ajax coach Danny Blind has cautioned his team against giving Inter the kind of space that allowed them to come back from a two-goal half-time deficit three weeks ago. "Italian sides always give you the idea you can play your own game, but also dictate how far you can go," Blind said. "We will have some chances in Milan but have to be aware that we must keep our lines close to each other. That was what went wrong in the second half at home."

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