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CSKA jaded by jet lag

PFC CSKA Moskva coach Valeri Gazzaev said tiredness contributed to a 2-0 defeat that had his opposite number Jesualdo Ferreira purring.

FC Porto need just a point at home to Arsenal FC on UEFA Champions League Matchday 6 to make progress after their 2-0 victory at PFC CSKA Moskva tonight. Visiting coach Jesualdo Ferreira was delighted with how his young team performed while his opposite number Valeri Gazzaev believes the eight-hour flight back from Vladivostok, where CSKA clinched the Russian league title on Saturday, contributed to his team's tired display.

Valeri Gazzaev, CSKA coach
This was certainly not one of our best games. We looked very bad physically. There was not enough time to recover from our efforts on Saturday, we had a long flight from Vladivostok. That's why we made mistakes today.

Jesualdo Ferreira, Porto coach
A goal in the second minute is always a present. After this goal my young team gained confidence and CSKA did not have any chances. Three yellow cards given to our midfielders influenced the game, we could not take the risk that anyone might get sent off. This allowed CSKA to take the initiative for some time but finally they got tired. We had some excellent chances in counterattacks and I am very happy with how my young team played, both individually and as a team. We now have an excellent chance and just need to take one more point.

Elvir Rahimić, CSKA midfielder

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