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Something must give in Scandinavia

Denmark may have a double advantage over Sweden in the battle to enter the play-offs but neither team is getting carried away before tonight's deciding tie.

Denmark may have a double advantage over Sweden in the battle to advance to the UEFA European Under-21 Championship play-offs from Group 11 although neither side is getting carried away before Tuesday's decider.

Home edge
Because of their better result against the section's other team, a 3-0 win in F.Y.R. Macedonia on Saturday, Denmark need just a point to progress and will have the added benefit of staging the contest in Farum. Yet coach Keld Bordinggaard is telling his players to treat the match as a must-win fixture and respect appears to be the order of the day: "We have to bear in mind that Sweden will be considerably stronger opponents. We will therefore have to be well prepared in order to finish the job."

Curth double
Indeed, while Denmark have had little time to recover from their weekend run-out, Sweden could profit from having seen no competitive action since their 3-1 success against F.Y.R. Macedonia last month. They will do well to contain Aalborg BK forward Jeppe Curth, who scored twice for Denmark on Saturday, one of the latest talents off the country's production line after Daniel Agger, Rasmus Würtz, Thomas Kahlenberg and Nicklas Bendtner made a seamless transition to the senior squad.

Best required
Sweden coach Jörgen Lennartsson expects his young stars to be fully focused against opponents who have every chance of emulating Agger and company's achievement of reaching the 2006 finals. "Denmark are a good, well-organised and strong team and we will have to be at our best," he said. "They play a typical Danish game with three strikers when they attack. We can't allow them too much space."

Strong trio
Sweden will offer an offensive approach as well, with three points essential. "Since it's all about goal difference, there's nothing else we can do," said Lennartsson. "The Danes are talking about a draw being enough, and that suits us just fine." Key to the visitors' chances will be Alexander Farnerud, Samuel Holmén and Björn Runström, and the coach is confident they will produce when it matters. "If we do what we've planned, we'll be able to win this game," he added.

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