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Janas appoints coaching staff

Poland's new national coach Pawel Janas has named an eight-strong backroom team.

Klejndinst coup
Janas, who succeeded Zbigniew Boniek last month, has brought in Poland's Olympic football coach Edward Klejndinst to work alongside him, though not in the official role of assistant. Klejndinst scouted for Jerzy Engel before and during the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals.

Goalkeeping coach 
Meanwhile, former Polish international Jacek Kazimierski has been named goalkeeping coach. Capped 23 times by his country in the 1980s, he assisted Janas during his tenure as Polish Olympic team coach between 1997 and 1999.

Team effort 
Team manager will be Krzysztof Rola-Wawrzecki, a Polish Football Federation (PZPN) employee who worked in this capacity at the 1992 Oympic Games in Barcelona. Another PZPN official, Zdzislaw Krecina, will continue in charge of general team affairs, a position he had under Boniek.

Doctor and the medics 
Wieslaw Ignasiewicz will operate as team delegate - a post he has held since 1997 - giving further behind-the-scenes assistance. On the medical side, Tomasz Derwinis has been confirmed as team doctor, with Artur Fraczyk and Krzysztof Leszczynski providing the latest expertise in sports science.

Previous experience
Janas replaced Boniek as national coach on 20 December, having previously led KS Amica Wronki, Legia Warszawa and the Polish Olympic team.

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