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1994: Vélez put Milan to shame

Fabio Capello's AC Milan were red-hot favourites against modest CA Vélez Sarsfield but the Italian side failed to show their best form and lost for the second year in a row, going down 2-0 against the Argentinian outsiders.

Omar Asad's winner shocked Milan
Omar Asad's winner shocked Milan ©Getty Images

CA Vélez Sarsfield 2-0 AC Milan

For the second year running AC Milan returned home from the European/South American Cup in Tokyo empty-handed. After their masterclass against FC Barcelona in the UEFA Champions League final – a 4-0 win – Fabio Capello's men were red-hot favourites against modest CA Vélez Sarsfield, but the Italian giants failed to produce their best form and deservedly lost to the Argentinian outsiders.

Half-time jeers
Distracted perhaps by a troubled season at home, Milan did not appear to be in the right frame of mind for their fourth trip to Japan in six years and, despite dominating possession in the first period against nervous opponents, could not press home their advantage. It got worse for the Rossoneri six minutes into the second period when the Libertadores Cup winners took a surprise lead, skipper Roberto Trotta beating Sebastiano Rossi from the penalty spot. It was 2-0 to Vélez six minutes later, confusion between Alessandro Costacurta and Rossi letting in centre-forward Omar Asad, who took advantage with a sublime finish. Asad, impeded by Costacurta late on for a foul that brought the centre-back a red card, was rewarded with the Man of the Match award and delighted in the prize of a new car.

Proud Bianchi
For the second year in a row Capello claimed a degree of misfortune in Milan's defeat. "We had at least five chances and couldn't score, but it's to their credit that they made the most of our mistakes," he said. Carlos Bianchi, the Vélez coach, was full of pride for his triumphant underdogs. "I told the players before the game to seize the moment and give it everything, and that is exactly what they did."