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Hughes comes in from the cold

Northern Ireland coach Sammy McIlroy has ended winger Michael Hughes's eleven-month exile.

Ukraine and Armenia
Hughes is included in McIlroy's 20-man squad for the Group 6 matches away to Ukraine on 6 September and at home to Armenia four days later. Hughes, who won the last of his 64 caps last October at home to Ukraine, spent last season sidelined after a dispute between Wimbledon FC and Birmingham City FC.

Gillespie also returns
However, he joined first division Crystal Palace FC at the start of the season to resume his playing career. Keith Gillespie, who moved to Leicester City FC in the summer, also returns after missing the June draw with Spain through suspension. Back from injury, meanwhile, are Phil Mulryne, Andy Kirk and Colin Murdock. Northern Ireland are bottom of their qualifying section.

Northern Ireland squad
Taylor, Carroll, McCartney, A Hughes, Baird, Kennedy, Murdock, Griffin, McCann, Johnson, M Hughes, Jones, Mulryne, Doherty, Healy, Smith, Kirk, McVeigh, Hamilton.

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