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Join the European football family

UEFA is the game's governing body in Europe. We have a clear vision: a united European football family working together to improve enjoyment of the game.

UEFA's core objectives are to:
• deal with all questions relating to European football
• promote the game in Europe in a spirit of peace, understanding and fair play
• organise and conduct international football competitions and tournaments at European level
• prevent all methods or practices which might jeopardise the regularity of matches or competitions
• ensure that sporting values always prevail over commercial interests
• redistribute revenue generated by football in accordance with the principle of solidarity

Click here to discover the 11 key values of UEFA for European football's future.

Our people are committed to supporting the 53 national associations and to the success of all UEFA competitions. In return we offer a unique and exciting working environment at the heart of the European game.

If you think working at UEFA would be a good match to your career aspirations, skills and experience then apply now.

  • Our new and improved recruitment portal is now live, click below to create your new user account

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