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Proceedings opened against HNS

UEFA has today opened disciplinary proceedings against the Croatian Football Federation (HNS) for incidents relating to the UEFA EURO 2012 Group C match with Spain on Monday.

Croatia's Vedran Ćorluka vies with Fernando Torres of Spain
Croatia's Vedran Ćorluka vies with Fernando Torres of Spain ©Getty Images

UEFA has today opened disciplinary proceedings against the Croatian Football Federation (HNS) for the setting-off and throwing of fireworks, and the improper conduct of supporters (display of racist banners and symbols) at the UEFA EURO 2012 Group C match against Spain in Gdansk on Monday. The disciplinary case also involves the improper conduct of the team (six Croatia players received a yellow card during the game).

The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body will deal with the case on Sunday 24 June.

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