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IFAB issues AGM agenda


The International Football Association Board holds its 126th AGM in England on 3 March, with an update on the experiment using additional assistant referees in UEFA club competitions.

A team of five match officials at a UEFA Europa League game
A team of five match officials at a UEFA Europa League game ©Getty Images

Football's lawmakers, the International Football Association Board (IFAB), holds its 126th annual general meeting in Surrey, England, on Saturday 3 March. England's Football Association (FA) will chair the meeting.

An update will be given on the experiment involving additional assistant referees which is currently taking place in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. The two additional assistants, who stand on the goal line and watch for penalty-area incidents in particular, will also be deployed at the UEFA EURO 2012 final round in Poland and Ukraine this summer.

On the agenda this year are eight proposals and amendments to the Laws of the Game. These include a proposal for a fourth substitution to be allowed for matches that go into extra time; a new text to clarify what action the referee should take if a dropped ball is kicked directly into an opponents' goal; and a new text to tackle the so-called Triple Punishment, following the recommendation by the FIFA Task Force Football 2014.

Currently a penalty kick, expulsion and player suspension are the three sanctions for a player who denies an obvious goalscoring opportunity with an offence punishable, according to Law 12, in the penalty area.

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