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IFAB AGM in Edinburgh


The International Football Association Board holds its 127th annual general meeting in Edinburgh on 2 March, with additional assistant referees among the items on the agenda.

Additional assistant referee practical training at the recent UEFA winter referees' course in Rome
Additional assistant referee practical training at the recent UEFA winter referees' course in Rome ©Sportsfile

The 127th annual general meeting of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Saturday 2 March.

Delegates will hear of the successful progress of the additional assistant referee system, which was introduced into the Laws of the Game following an IFAB decision last July, and which is being deployed in UEFA's major club competitions this season after being used at UEFA EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine last summer. The system, designed to help referees in their decision-making, sees two additional assistant referees detailed to stand on either goal line to watch in particular for penalty area incidents.

Among other items on the agenda, the IFAB will discuss a clarification to the interpretation of Law 11 on offside, the usage of electronic performance monitoring systems and the dropped ball (Law 8 – Start and Restart of Play). The IFAB will also debate its future consultation and decision-making processes as well as its future structure.

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