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United against racism

Anti racism

The Football Against Racism in Europe network will work closely with UEFA at UEFA EURO 2008™.

UEFA and FARE will be leading the campaign against racism this summer
UEFA and FARE will be leading the campaign against racism this summer ©Getty Images

Powerful focus
Campaigning measures in Austria and Switzerland will include activities at all finals matches under the theme of Unite Against Racism – notably, a specially commissioned advertising spot, articles in match programmes, pitch-side boards with the message, and branded stewards bibs. These activities against discrimination will be given a powerful focus at the semi-finals in Vienna and Basel.

Outside the stadiums, the StreetKick game will tour the host cities with events in which fans and ethnic minority communities can take part. Materials including a FARE fanzine, leaflets in languages of all the qualified teams, T-shirts, a mobile exhibition and themed posters will be available. A reception on the opening day of the tournament will launch the programme with representatives of UEFA, the UEFA EURO 2008™ organising committee, the European Commission, and the host countries in attendance. They will be joined by former players who will make personal appearances at activities throughout June.

FARE Expertise
To support this preventative work, FARE will use its expertise with a series of monitors at games. A multilingual hotline will be advertised alongside an email address to report racism and discrimination. For regular updates of the activities taking place this summer, please go to farenet.org.