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Strategy Council agrees minors' resolution


Financial fair play and protection of minors were the focal points of the latest meeting of the Professional Football Strategy Council in Nyon on Monday.

UEFA headquarters in Nyon
UEFA headquarters in Nyon ©UEFA.com

Financial fair play and protection of minors were the focal points of the latest meeting of the Professional Football Strategy Council in Nyon on Monday.

Resolution ratified
All four groups present at the meeting (associations, clubs, leagues and players) agreed on the principle that there should be no international transfers of minors – players aged under 18 – either into Europe or within Europe. A resolution for the protection of young players and encouragement of youth development was ratified by all four representatives' groups. Click here for the resolution.

Financial fair play
With regard to financial fair play in UEFA club competitions, the creation of a new club financial control body at UEFA level was discussed, with a view to ensuring a more consistent application of the existing UEFA club licensing system. Discussions were also held regarding what types of measures could be implemented in the medium-to-long term in European football; ranging from tighter application of the existing system through to stricter cost-control mechanisms to ensure that clubs compete within their own means.

Moral and ethical issue
"The question of minors is above all a moral and ethical issue – we have a duty to take concrete steps to protect young players and training clubs," said UEFA President Michel Platini. "I am delighted that the key stakeholders of the European football family have a common view on this major subject and I welcome the signature of this important resolution," he added.

Elected representatives
The Professional Football Strategy Council is composed of elected representatives of the associations, clubs, leagues and players, and advises the UEFA Executive Committee on issues of strategic importance for European football. FIFA also participates as observer.

The meeting was attended by the following persons:

Representatives of the associations (UEFA)
Michel Platini (UEFA President)
Şenes Erzik (Turkey)
Geoffrey Thompson (England)
Angel María Villar Llona (Spain)
Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder (Germany)

Representatives of the clubs (ECA)
Maarten Fontein (Netherlands)
Michele Centenaro (General Secretary)
Peter Kenyon (England)
Joan Laporta i Estruch (Spain)

Representatives of the leagues (EPFL)
José Luis Astiazaran (Spain)
Lex Gold (Scotland)
David Richards (England)
Frédéric Thiriez (France)
Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros (General Manager)

Representatives of the players (FIFPro Europe)
Gerardo González Movilla (Spain)
Leonardo Grosso (Italy)
Philippe Piat (France)
Theo van Seggelen (Secretary General)
Mick McGuire (England)

Representative of FIFA
Jérôme Valcke, General Secretary

UEFA Administration
David Taylor, General Secretary