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Maxwell talks idols, Zlatan and barbecuing

Paris Saint-Germain's Maxwell was the latest UEFA Champions League star in the Facebook hot seat, talking Zlatan Ibrahimović, Brazilian cuisine and the world's best left-back.

Maxwell: live from Paris
Maxwell: live from Paris ©UEFA.com

Paris Saint-Germain full-back Maxwell discussed the upcoming game with Chelsea FC, David Alaba and Brazilian barbecuing as fans of the UEFA Champions League Facebook page were given unique access to the defender in a Q&A live from the French capital. 

What's your favourite dish?

Maxwell: Red meat! Brazilians have a lot of barbecues and I love it!

Did you enjoy your time at Barcelona?

Maxwell: A lot. There are no words for this experience. It was a magical time with players at their peak. It was a pleasure to train and live there every day. I will never forget it.

What's it like playing with Thiago Silva and David Luiz?

Maxwell: They have such great qualities, mostly their calming influence. They bring tranquillity – I can't say any more than that!

Best player you've exchanged shirts with?

Maxwell v Messi
Maxwell v Messi©AFP/Getty Images

Maxwell: It's difficult to say. I've played against many great players, but I think it must be Leo Messi. I've played with and against him. He's the best of all time!

How are you feeling about the Chelsea game?

Maxwell: It will be a difficult game, even more so than last year since they are in better form. I hope we can show our quality and qualify for the quarter-finals.

What's it like playing with Zlatan?

Maxwell: It's a pleasure. We're friends off the pitch and it's a joy to play alongside him.

Best left-back in the world?

Maxwell: David Alaba from Bayern. He's a complete player, technically and tactically good. Marcelo is technically impressive, but Alaba is more complete.

Who did you grow up admiring?

Maxwell: Romário and Ronaldo. Brazilian people have lots of idols, but Romário is the best for me.

Check out more from Maxwell on the UEFA Champions League Facebook page

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