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Roma apologise to Frisk

AS Roma have made an official apology to Swedish referee Anders Frisk after he was struck by an object.

Baldini apologises
Frisk was heading for the tunnel at half-time when the incident occurred. He was left with blood streaming from a cut in his forehead, and the match was abandoned with Dynamo leading 1-0. "I want to apologise officially to the referee," said Roma's director of sport, Franco Baldini. "It's the least we can do after what happened yesterday."

Police investigation
The police authorities in Rome opened an investigation today in order to identify the culprit. Baldini added: "We gave all him possible medical attention. Frisk was checked over by our doctors and accompanied back to his hotel at 1.30am.

'Full assistance'
"There were 400 policemen and 400 employees we hired just to make sure the match took place in the correct conditions but a mad act from one person has destroyed all our efforts. We will give our full assistance to get the person responsible."

CEO reaction
UEFA announced earlier today that its Control and Disciplinary Body would convene on Tuesday 21 September to instigate disciplinary proceedings against Roma. Speaking in Sofia at the UEFA Executive Committee meeting in the Bulgarian capital, UEFA Chief Executive Lars-Christer Olsson said: "First of all I would say that we have full sympathy for what Anders Frisk has gone through. It is regrettable that this has happened."

Normal procedure
"The normal procedure starts, which means that the reports from the referee, from the referee observer and the match delegate will be checked, and the matter is handed over to our disciplinary bodies. They are independent from UEFA so they will take the decisions based on the current regulations."

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