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Inzaghi needs further surgery

AC Milan will be without Filippo Inzaghi for an unspecified period as he requires surgery on his left ankle.

Earlier operation
Inzaghi saw Belgian specialist Marc Martens today, who decided that Inzaghi must go under the surgeon's knife in order to fully recover from his ankle problems. In May, the 31-year-old had a fragment of bone removed from the same ankle - an operation which meant he missed out on a place in Italy's squad for UEFA EURO 2004™.

Not fully fit
Inzaghi has failed to recover full fitness since and has been restricted to a substitute's role this season, although he did score an important goal for the Rossoneri in the 3-1 victory against Celtic FC in the UEFA Champions League. The Italian champions lost 2-1 against FC Barcelona yesterday but are still well-placed to qualify from Group F, having taken nine points from four games.

Stam injury

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