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Lagerblom loaned to Nürnberg

German champions Werder Bremen have loaned midfielder Pekka Lagerblom to 1. FC Nürnberg.

Long-term view
The 22-year-old Finn joined Bremen last January on a free transfer from FC Lahti, but has made only five appearances this term due to injury problems. Bremen coach Thomas Schaaf explained the move, saying: "Pekka has not been able to develop as planned because of various injuries, but we are sure he will get more games at Nürnberg than he would here. That will help him and we might be able to benefit from it in the summer."

'Not an easy decision'
Lagerblom added: "I want to make full use of my chance with Nürnberg. I can get more games there and that will help my cause in the national team. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but I am looking forward to the challenge."

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