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Emerson welcomes Vieira

Juventus FC midfielder Emerson is looking forward to playing alongside Patrick Vieira.

By Fernando Duarte

Patrick Vieira's move to Juventus FC might be seen by some as the death knell for Emerson's Delle Alpi career, but the Brazilian international is looking forward to playing alongside, rather than making way for, his French counterpart.

Playing together
The 29-year-old Vieira has signed a five-year contract with the Italian champions, and having paid €20m for their new acquisition, Juventus will be expecting a lot of him. However, central midfielder Emerson is not expecting to have to suffer for the arrival of the combative Frenchman.

Capello promise
"[Juventus coach] Fabio Capello promised me last season that bringing in a world-class midfielder to play alongside me was a crucial priority - I don't think I could have asked for anyone better than Patrick Vieira," said Emerson, who joined the Bianconeri from AS Roma for €28m last summer.

Priceless experience
"What I like about him is that he's resourceful," said the 29-year-old. "He can tackle hard one minute and then seconds later he will produce a pass to split the defence. And you can't buy the kind of experience he has in football. Patrick is a [FIFA] World Cup winner and has been captain of a big European side like Arsenal. His record speaks for itself.

'Wonderful footballer'
"Vieira is a wonderful footballer and I believe most of our European opponents and rivals will be scratching their heads now he is a Juventus player," continued Emerson. "He has the physique and the skill level to do exceptionally well in Serie A."

Big impression
Emerson had a huge impact in his first term in Turin as Juventus won Serie A, and while his team bowed out to eventual winners Liverpool FC in the UEFA Champions League, he has not been tempted to follow the glory trail to the English Premiership.

'Strong enough'
"Before Vieira joined, some friends told me about rumours concerning a move to England," he said. "I feel flattered, but why would I want to leave Juve now? I have three years left on my contract and the team is strong enough to challenge for major honours.

'Amazing addition'
"Now Vieira is a Juve player I can't wait for the season to start," added Emerson. "Last year I suffered a bit because I had no constant companion in midfield. But now I've got one hell of a partner. I really would love to win the Champions League with this club, and I think we have a great chance now we've signed an amazing reinforcement like Vieira."

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