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Arsenal receive double boost

Arsenal FC have received "reassuring" news about Ashley Cole's ankle sprain, and also hope to have Robin van Persie fit to face Real Madrid CF.

Arsenal FC have confirmed that left-back Ashley Cole will be out for three weeks after damaging his ankle in a reserve game against Tottenham Hotspur FC on Monday.

"We had very bad news at first and then much better news," said manager Arsène Wenger. "In the end it was very reassuring. Ashley will be out for three weeks minimum because of an ankle sprain. It is on the left foot and is nothing to do with the surgery he had before." Cole has managed little more than an hour of competitive football since October after fracturing his right foot and then struggling with a thigh injury.

Van Persie boost
Wenger remains hopeful that striker Robin van Persie will overcome a toe complaint in time for the UEFA Champions League second leg against Real Madrid CF on Wednesday. "He should be very, very close over the weekend," said Wenger. "He still cannot put his boot on yet but we hope he will be available for next week." Arsenal won the first leg 1-0.

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