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Rosický still out of Arsenal reckoning

Arsenal FC have confirmed that Czech midfielder Tomáš Rosický will not be available until "March at the earliest", though manager Arsène Wenger confirmed that striker Eduardo is to play in a reserve game next week.

Tomáš Rosický will not play again until "at least" March 2009
Tomáš Rosický will not play again until "at least" March 2009 ©Getty Images

Arsenal FC have confirmed that Czech midfielder Tomáš Rosický will not be available until March "at the earliest" but Eduardo will be back in action for the reserve team next week.

'Doing rehab'
Rosický has not played for Arsenal since 26 January when he hobbled off after nine minutes of an FA Cup tie against Newcastle United FC with a hamstring tendon problem which kept him out of UEFA EURO 2008™. The 28-year-old underwent surgery in Germany a month ago and is recovering at the moment. Arsène Wenger said: "He's back here on December 17 and then hopefully we can start to work with him. But it's a long-term prospect – maybe March at the earliest." Eduardo, meanwhile, will play his fist game since breaking his leg against Birmingham City FC on 23 February when Arsenal's reserves take on Portsmouth FC on 16 December.