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Battling Wales hold Argentina

Bologna FC striker Julio Cruz scored a face-saving equaliser as Wales held Argentina 1-1.

Bellamy header
Wales, ranked 101st in the world by FIFA and without participation in a major international tournament since the 1958 World Cup, went in front in the 34th minute when Craig Bellamy headed home a Ryan Giggs corner at the far post. It was the Newcastle United FC forward's fourth goal in 16 internationals.

Timely equaliser
With the stadium roof closed so Argentina could experience the same conditions they will encounter when they meet England in Sapporo in June, Wales gave the South Americans a British-style examination.

Drilled into far corner
However just past the hour, with the visitors piling on the pressure, Cruz scored his second goal in 13 international outings with a low shot from the right that he drilled into the far corner of substitute goalkeeper Mark Crossley's net following a pass by Juan Sebastián Verón.

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