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Croatia ready to meet Spanish challenge

Croatia ready to meet Spanish challenge
Croatia ready to meet Spanish challenge ©Getty Images

• "We play our best when we play against the top teams," said Croatia coach Slaven Bilić before the decisive final Group C meeting with holders Spain in Gdansk.

• Progress from Group C is out of Italy's hands, but Cesare Prandelli is convinced his side can do their bit against the Republic of Ireland in his "most important game" as a coach.

• Lars Bender struck ten minutes from time as Joachim Löw's men set up a quarter-final against Greece and sent the Danes out of the tournament.

• Portugal fell behind before their captain turned it on when they needed him most to secure a quarter-final place and leave the Dutch without a point.

• Donetsk is returning to normal after Friday's biblical storm, but the city and local football supporters can be proud of the way they handled the unexpected deluge.