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Four missing from Latvia squad

Marian Pahars is among the players missing from Latvia coach Aleksandr Starkov's latest squad.

Latvia coach Aleksandrs Starkovs has announced a 20-man squad to play Azerbaijan in Riga on 6 July.

Four omissions
Four leading players are not included - goalkeeper Aleksandr Kolinjko, defenders Igor Stepanov and Juris Laizan and forward Marian Pahars.

Coach explains
Starkovs explained: "Laizan will have to play shortly in the Russia championship for CSKA Moscow, so we could not count on him. The same with Stepanov – in early July he will start preparing for the season with Arsenal FC and their coach Arsene Wenger asked us to let him rest properly. As for Pahars and Kolinjko, they have both been injured, that is why they are not in the list."

Latvia squad
Piedels, Fedorov, Vanin, Isakov, Moroz, Zemlinskij, Korablev, Zirnis, Nalivaiko, Astafjev, Bleidelis, Rubin, I Stepanov, Puchinskij, Kolesnichenko, Dobretsov, Miholap, Eliseev, Stolcers, Rimkus.

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