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Bulykin leveller rescues Russia

Japan U23 1-1 Russia Dmitri Bulykin's goal earns Russia a draw against Japan's Under-23 side.

Japan U23 1-1 Russia

Bulykin equaliser
Coach Georgi Yartsev has taken an experimental squad to Japan, with ten newcomers among the 19-strong party. In today's match in Shizuoka, FC Dinamo Moskva's Dmitri Bulykin scored Russia's goal in the 33rd minute to cancel out an opener from Daiki Takamatsu.

Coach happy
Russia will play J-League club Shimizu S-Pulse on Saturday before heading home but Yartsev is already pleased with what he has seen. "I am happy," he said. "We played an experimental lineup against a well-organised, ambitious team."

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