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Knavs out for Slovenia

Aleksandar Knavs is the latest player to pull out of the Slovenia squad for the Carlsberg Cup.

Injury woe
Knavs has had to pull out after injuring himself in 1. Kaiserslautern’s 1. Bundesliga match against Hamburger SV. He joins Spasoje Bulajic, Muamer Vugdalic, Milan Osterc and Sebastijan Cimerotic to pull out of the squad with injury.

First call-up
Explaining his decision to give a first call-up to Kapic, Slovenia coach Srecko Katanec said: "Instead of Knavs I have called up NK Koper defender Bekim Kapic. I have watched him in a few games and I have decided to give him a chance in the national team. We will see what he has to offer."

Hong Kong test
In the competition, which begins on 12 February, Slovenia will play matches against Honduras, China and hosts Hong Kong. The tournament will provide preparation for Slovenia’s 2002 FIFA World Cup bid where they were drawn in the same group as Spain, South Africa and Paraguay.

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