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UEFA EURO 2012 finalists workshop in Warsaw

Delegations from the 16 finalist teams will receive a comprehensive briefing on all organisational matters related to UEFA EURO 2012 at a workshop in Warsaw on 8 and 9 March.

Media representatives can attend a tour of the newly opened National Stadium Warsaw
Media representatives can attend a tour of the newly opened National Stadium Warsaw ©Cyfrasport

Delegations from the 16 participating teams will gather in Warsaw on 8 and 9 March to discuss all organisational matters linked to the final tournament, with less than 100 days to go until UEFA EURO 2012 kicks off.

The workshop will provide detailed information on subjects such as match organisation, transport, logistics, accommodation, safety and security, medical matters, marketing as well as media services and operations. It will take place at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel Warsaw, situated on 11 Krolewska Street.

UEFA will offer the opportunity for media to attend a tour of the newly inaugurated National Stadium Warsaw – venue for the championship's opening match on 8 June – on the afternoon of Thursday 8 March, starting at 16.00CET. The tour will be followed by an informal gathering with key organisational figures such as UEFA EURO 2012 tournament directors Adam Olkowicz and Markiyan Lubkivskyi.

On the morning of Friday 9 March, a mixed zone featuring the coaches of the 16 finalist teams will be arranged at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel from 10.30 onwards.

Media wishing to attend the stadium and/or the mixed zone activities must apply for accreditation by emailing media@uefa.ch no later than midday on Monday 5 March, indicating "EURO 2012 workshop" in the subject header.

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