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Surgery ends Todorov hopes

Portsmouth FC striker Svetoslav Todorov is out of contention for UEFA EURO 2004™.

By Stoyan Georgiev

Bulgaria coach Plamen Markov has told euro2004.com that Portsmouth FC striker Svetoslav Todorov is out of contention for UEFA EURO 2004™.

Further surgery
Todorov has played just once this season, against Liverpool FC in March, after damaging knee ligaments last summer but had harboured hopes of selection for Portugal having returned to training. However, the 25-year-old now needs further surgery in Germany which will ensure another lengthy lay-off.

Squad announcement
"Obviously I'm disappointed about Todorov," Markov said. "He will definitely miss EURO 2004™." The coach will announce his squad later this week, giving him time to check on the fitness of players involved in weekend action.

Final friendly
The 18-year-old forward Valeri Bozhinov is expected to be named in the 23-man party for Portugal having impressed for Italian side US Lecce and the Under-21s. The squad will assemble in Sofia on 25 May ahead of their final friendly against the Czech Republic in Prague on 2 June.

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