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UEFA condolences for Croatia captain Srna

UEFA has expressed its condolences to Croatia captain Darijo Srna, who has returned home after learning of the death of his father following Sunday's 1-0 win against Turkey.

Darijo Srna in action in Sunday's game against Turkey
Darijo Srna in action in Sunday's game against Turkey ©Getty Images

UEFA has expressed its condolences to Croatia captain Darijo Srna, who returned home after Sunday's 1-0 Group D victory over Turkey following the death of his father, Uzeir.

"UEFA would like to extend its deepest sympathy to Darijo Srna and the Croatian Football Federation for the passing of the player's father. We are aware he has left the tournament to return home and spend time with his family. UEFA would like to express its solidarity with the Croatian captain and hopes to have him back at UEFA EURO 2016."

The 34-year-old right-back is attending his father's funeral in his home town of Metkovic today. The team have posted a photo on the association's official Instagram page, with a caption reading: "Dear captain, we are all with you and your family."