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Monday deadline for Liechtenstein security guarantees

Further news likely on Monday about the staging of Saturday's UEFA EURO 2004™ qualifier against England.

UEFA is set to make a further announcement on Monday over the staging of next weekend's UEFA EURO 2004™ qualifying match between Liechtenstein and England in Vaduz, amid security concerns caused by the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq.

Monday deadline
Following talks on Sunday between representatives of European football's governing body and officials from the Liechtenstein Football Association (LFV) and the principality's authorities, UEFA has given the association and authorities a deadline of 12.00CET on Monday to provide the necessary guarantees regarding the staging of the match.

Security concerns
The LFV has expressed concern regarding security at the match, which is scheduled to take place at the Rheinstadion in Vaduz next Saturday. There is concern in the small principality, which lies between Switzerland and Austria, about possible anti-war demonstrations to coincide with the game, and the availability of a sufficient police presence at the match.

'Written guarantees'
"This afternoon, UEFA representatives met with representatives of the Liechtenstein Football Association, and also with police and government officials," said UEFA communications and public affairs director Mike Lee on Sunday. "We have listened to the concerns they have expressed, and in order for this game to go ahead as scheduled, they will have to provide us with written guarantees governing safety and security by 12.00CET tomorrow."

'Further announcement'
"We will make a further announcement once we have evaluated documentation submitted to us," he added. "Those guarantees have to cover not only the FA, but also the other appropriate authorities."

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