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Belgrade match postponed

The UEFA EURO 2004™ qualifier between Serbia and Montenegro and Wales has been postponed until August.

Security concerns
UEFA, the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro, and both national football associations have been holding talks this week about the fate of next Wednesday's match, after security concerns were raised over the current political situation in Serbia and Montenegro. A state of emergency is in force in the country following the assassination of prime minister Zoran Djindjic on 12 March.

Further consultations
Following further talks with representatives of the Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro and the Football Association of Wales in Rome today, as well as after further consultations with the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro, UEFA has agreed to postpone the match.

'Appropriate to postpone'
"The Serbian government has declared a state of emergency in Belgrade and do not want any sporting event in the city or surrounding area," said UEFA director of communications and public affairs Mike Lee. "Therefore it was appropriate to postpone the game, and the two associations and UEFA have agreed on a new date.

'International matchday'
"August 20 is also an international match date, which has been earmarked for friendlies. But we will discuss with FIFA turning this into a full international matchday so that the two associations will have full claim on their players being available," he added.

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